8 Ways Your Teens Behavior May Be A Cry For Help

8 Ways Your Teens Behavior May Be A Cry For Help

Teens have a lot of stress on their plate, and oftentimes it’s difficult as parents to recognize everything they’re going through. Mood swings, irritability, acting out in class, impolite conduct, and other forms of behavioral problems can all be part of growing up and figuring out life, or they could be signs of something more serious.

All too often, teens act out as a cry of help, but their cries go unnoticed. As a parent, it’s very important for you to recognize some of the ways your teen could be indirectly asking for help.

1. Extreme Emotions

Is your teen crying hysterically one moment and then happy as can be the next? These extreme mood swings are often a sign that you teen doesn’t know how to handle their turbulent emotions, and they need help to meter them.

2. Repeated Health Concerns

Stomach aches, headaches, and other repeated health concerns that keep your teen home from school and social obligations are often the body’s way of handling anxiety and depression.

3. Self-Injury

Self-harm is often difficult to see, but if you notice unexplained bruising, cuts or scratches on skin, bald spots, or other forms of self-harm, this is always a cry for help. This self-destructive behavior is an indicator that your teen doesn’t know how to cope with emotions healthily and they have unbridled suicidal thoughts.

4. Suicidal Talk

If your teen ever mentions suicide, even in a seemingly joking manner, it’s cause for concern. Teens often want to talk about their suicidal thoughts, but don’t know how, so they make jokes or blurt out plans for suicide. Take this very seriously, and seek help for your teen.

5. Violent Behavior

Teens often act out violently because they want attention, not because they’re naturally violent. They may feel like they can’t get your attention any other way.

6. Poor School Performance

A sudden or gradual drop in grades and school performance is often an indication of more serious issues like social anxiety or suicidal thoughts.

7. Frequent Outbursts

Teens get angry often, which isn’t a real cause for concern, but if their anger is more like a burst of threats, loud yelling, self-harm, and other violent outbursts, it’s often a loud cry for help. It could be a sign of a deeper mental disorder or turbulent emotions that they don’t know how to cope with.

8. Withdrawal from Friends, Family, and Activities

If your teen starts to pull away from loved one and activities once loved, it’s usually a case of serious depression, which can often lead to suicidal thoughts or actions.

Parents should pay close attention to their teens behavior to recognize the underlying issue. Don’t be afraid to seek help and get more formal education on the matter. It’s okay to talk about it for yourself and to encourage your teen to talk about it as well.

For more information about how you can further your education and be a more supportive parent to your troubled teen, visit our website.

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